Don't worry
about CNN or your daily paper. Voodoo has the news
taken care of for you. Take a look at just what I find
newsworthy. |
Voodoo walks around with his eyes open.
What that means is that Voodoo notices just what goes on in
life. Check here to find out what I've seen. |
Everybody has their own views about things.
And Voodoo is no exception to the rule. Here's where
you can read all of my editorial writings. |
Who is
Voodoo? I've asked myself that sometimes. One
way to find out is to look at my page of links, a FAQ, and
some other stuff. |
The goal here is
real simple. Voodoo is looking for some feedback from
all of you. So stop by and learn how to get in touch
with me. |
log | new look?
December 13, 2000: Life continues here at Purdue just like
the snow falling outside. Right now, I'm halfway through my
exams. The physics exam I took Monday night was just plain
awful, I ended up with 76/200 on it. At the time, I thought
that score would assure me a middle of the road C. What it
looks like it will do for me is put me within 13 points of a B for a
class that has 1,000 points total. I suppose I should be happy
a C in a class that I went into just wanting to pass, but this is
I'm probably getting a B in CGT with a 89.3, just sort of a 90 and
an A.
Voodoo has also heard the news that
Al Gore is most likely going to give up his mad pursuit of the presidency
during an address to the nation tonight. All I can say is that
it's about time there Al.
We also have a Rev. Jesse Jackson
quote for you in Americana.
December 10, 2000: Voodoo has a little piece of Americana for
you today.
December 8, 2000: Voodoo had you there, didn't I?
You thought that I was going to go a few months before the next
update after I didn't have one yesterday. Well Voodoo is here
to prove you wrong. And as long as I'm doing that, I might as
well tell you that I've got some thoughts about Purdue in Americana
for you to read.
December 6, 2000: We've got two good news articles from
Wired News for you to take a look at, both potentially dealing with
your own privacy. First, read about
FBI's actions against a suspected mobster in New Jersey. Then,
learn about a service that lets
parents track their children every fifteen minutes through GPS
December 5, 2000: Voodoo is living up to his word.
Here you have it, back to back updates. So take sometime today
to the latest Head Line News and see if
you can answer Voodoo's questions
in Americana.
Voodoo is proving Voodoo's Law of
Web Site Management. To put it concisely, VLWSM states that is
is more fun to update a web site then to do work activities.
So rather then work on a surveying lab, I'm adding
some more to Americana.
December 4, 2000: Wow. It's been almost two months
since Voodoo last updated the site. This nasty little thing
called school sort of sucked up my free time. But don't worry
that going to change now that finals are coming near. So sit
back and enjoy the ride.
You've got a couple of items for
you to peruse today. I've got four
Head Line News articles and
some exciting news in Americana. So don't just sit there,
click away!
October 17, 2000: Voodoo got an e-mail with a link to an
article written by a US Congressman from Texas. Take sometime
to read through it, I've posted it
under Views. Well he may come off as a little extreme, he does
raise some valid points about the role of the government today.
October 16, 2000: OK, after a little break in there
(blasted school dares give me a midterm) we're real close to going
live with the redesign. I've just got to go find some current
news and the site will be back up. I'm shooting for tomorrow,
we'll also see if it really happens.
September 27, 2000:
I've added the index pages for the departments. Site seems
like it has a lot of promise.
September 26, 2000:
Put the new layout test online. Got to find something to put
in that white column there to the left. And up in that gap in
the header. Maybe I'll put the site section in the top gap.
OK, I've got the menu bar up and running. Now I just need to
add the department panel somewhere.